Saturday, October 23, 2010

Doozy of a Date

Wow, I don't really even know where to start with the date that I went on last night so get comfy because this is going to be a long post! Overall it was good, but definitely random. To start with, it took Gage a while to actually tell me what the plan was and what time I should meet him. It was a little annoying that he didn't give me the heads up earlier but in the end it turned out fine.

We met at a bar called Club Deville for a couple of drinks (and fyi, he looked nothing like his profile pictures!) I had never been there before and it was a laid back, cool place, plus I always like trying new places. So we're sitting there having that initial small talk, when the bartender comes up to us and asks if we want his tickets to the Gorillaz concert that night. Now you know how terrible I am with music but I had heard of the Gorillaz and knew some of their songs from several years ago. The guy was selling the pair for a total of $20 so we figured why not. So yes, last night I went to a Gorillaz concert where I knew none of the songs, was definitely one of the oldest people there and was a little worried that I might get some side effects from all of the second hand marijuana smoke! For the most part the music was fine and we danced along as best we could in the small space that we had - the concert was at the arena that UT plays basketball in. About half way through the set we decide to go down and get a drink. We grab a beer and start chatting downstairs before heading back up to the concert. And before I know it we're having a D&M (deep & meaningful) conversation at a Gorillaz concert! I don't even really know what we talked about, but it was a lot of what we each want to do with our lives in terms of jobs and goals, and then it got into religion and before I knew it we were talking politics! Seriously! But it was all good conversation. We were down there for probably 30 minutes and then we finally decide to head back into the concert, but it was the last song (which was so disappointing to me....just kidding!).

So now that the concert is over we decided to go grab one more drink. We headed to a different bar than Club Deville because there was another band playing there and we didn't want to pay cover. So we go to another bar, get a table and the serious talk continues. I don't know, this guy wanted to talk about some pretty serious stuff last night, but for some reason it didn't really bother me. I feel like he's someone that needs to know that there are good people out there and I want to be the one to show him that. I'm not saying that I think he's going to be the one guy I date from Match, but for some reason he intrigues me a little bit. I don't even know if he likes me but I would like to see him again just to see if there is anything there. We finally wrapped things up around midnight and we both headed home. He walked me to my car, we hugged and then each went our separate ways. He also called me later to make sure that I got home ok, which I thought was nice, and to say that he had a good time with me. He knows that I'm going to be out of town for the next couple of days so it will be interesting to see how things play out over the next few days!

I've also got an update on the other guy, Chris. He texted me today to tell me to have a safe trip and he also asked me out for Friday night next week. I agreed but then I remembered that it was Halloween weekend, so I'm kind of regretting that decision. But maybe it will just be for drinks and nothing to extensive. I have a feeling that I need to start planning my exit strategy with Chris because I just don't think there is much of a connection there...Anyone have any good exit strategies that they want to share with me :)

1 comment:

  1. You just tell them you started dating someone else that was a better fit. End of story. Or you could just ignore them like I do. That could be why my karma is so bad. :)
